What to do in case of emergency:
For any type of emergency (accidents, injuries, serious problems and situations that require immediate medical attention), call 118 or go to the emergency room to receive immediate medical care.
118 is a free call. (For more information, see: 118)

118 Emegency Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

How does 118 Emergency Service work?
When you call 118, be prepared to answer the call-taker’s questions, which may include:
-    the location of the emergency, including surrounding landmarks (churches, rivers, construction sites, crossroads…)
-    the nature of the emergency (car crash, stroke, injury)
-    details about people and vehicles involved, a description of injuries and symptoms of the people having a medical emergency (are they conscious? Are they breathing?..)
-    the presence of flammable or toxic substances
When calling to report an emergency, it is essential to stay calm.

You can also go directly to the nearest hospital emergency room, but it is recommended to consult your doctor first or contact the Continuity of Care Service.

Do I have to pay?
Emergency medical treatment is free only in case of an actual emergency.

Where to go in case of emergency
Go to the nearest hospital emergency department.

You do NOT need a medical prescription in order to access the emergency department.

Once you get to the emergency room, you will receive medical attention based on the urgency of your illness and not on the order of arrival.

Read more: Useful Links

At the hospital emergency room, patients are triaged by a nurse and assigned a colour code indicating the urgency of their illness and the estimated wait time.

Red code: emergency. Serious and life-threatening injury/illness. Patients are assigned first priority for treatment. Medical care is free.

Yellow code: priority. Serious injuries and illness that can result in alterations in the state of consciousness, breathing, hearth and blood circulation. Patients are given priority for medical care, compatibly with more urgent or equally serious cases.  Medical care is free.

Green code: wait. Not life-threatening cases that do not result in  alterations in the state of consciousness, breathing, hearth and blood circulation. Patients are required to pay medical fees.

White code: delayed treatment. Not serious illness that can be treated in other medical facilities. Patients are required to pay medical fees.