If you have a regular permit of stay:
You can enroll your children to the NHS, receive a health card and choose a pediatrician. Go to the register office of the nearest Local Health Unit (ASL).(Maps

If you are an EU citizen but do not have a EHIC card,
please read this page: EU Citizen without TEAM Card

Even if you do not have a permit of stay, you can choose a pediatrician for your children. Go to the register office of the nearest Local Health Unit (ASL).(Maps

Read more: Useful Links

- Choose a pediatrician whose ambulatory and opening hours are easily accessible.
- Take your child to the pediatrician for regular check-ups starting from the first months of life and not just in case of illness.
- If your child has difficulty in moving, walking, speaking or has behavioral problems, your pediatrician can refer you to the Rehabilitation Service for Children and Adolescents (called "SREE") where your child will be diagnosed and treated appropriately.


In any case:
in order to determine which vaccines your child needs, you must show your pediatrician and the closest health center the vaccination booklet issued by your country of origin.

- Vaccines for children are provided free of charge.
- The vaccination booklet issued by your country of origin must be translated into Italian.