Medical examinations and doctor’s visits

Free medical exams during the 28th – 32nd  week of pregnancy:

• Complete Blood Count (CBC)
• Ferritin
• Glycemia, in case of diabetes risk
• Urine test
• Urine culture
• Antibiogram

Go to the nearest Ambulatory Care Service & Family Planning Clinic (also called "Consultorio").

Do I have to pay?
The following medical exams are free:
- periodic gynecological or obstetric visits;
- diagnostic tests to monitor physiological pregnancy in each period;
- all the necessary examinations in case the risk of having a miscarriage arises;
In case of pre-existing diseases or other syndromes arising during pregnancy, healthcare assistance and treatment will be prescribed by a specialist if the woman of fetus’ health may be compromised.

Perhaps you don’t know that:
Pregnant employees have the right to take time off work to do prenatal examinations, specialist visits, and clinical exams, only if they cannot be done outside working hours. This right is established by Decree Law No. 151 of 26 March 2001 as modified up to Decree Law No.115 of April 2003. Unified Text of legislative texts on protection and support to maternity and paternity, according to the discipline of the Section 15 of Law No. 53 of 8 March 2000 (also known as “Decreto Legislativo 26 Marzo 2001, No. 151. Testo unico delle disposizioni legislative in materia di tutela e sostegno della maternità e della paternità, a norma dell’ articolo 15 della legge 8 marzo 2000, n. 53”). To take a leave, pregnant employees must show their employer the following documents: - leave request, indicating date and time of the medical exams and specifying that they cannot be done outside working hours; - receipt of the healthcare facility where the medical exams took place. Date and time of the examinations must be specified on the receipt.

Pregnant employees insured by INPS (National Institute for Social Security) must submit the certificate for mandatory maternity leave before the 28th week of pregnancy.

Foreign pregnant women are entitled to be assisted for free at the Ambulatory Care Service & Family Planning Clinic (Consultorio), whether they have a regular permit or not. Under no circumstances, women without a regular permit will be reported to the police.